Friday, October 26, 2018

Bible English Lesson 3 - Genesis Chapter 6-8 (Noah's Ark)




Q:Why God decided to flood the earth?
Q: In Gen 6:19, was Noah to bring two of each creature, or seven pairs of every clean animal as Gen 7:2 says? But did only one pair of each go in Gen 7:8-9?
Q:In Gen 7:12,24, did the flood last 40 days, or 150?
3) 换位思考,在对话中想象自己是挪亚、上帝或作者,从他们的角度思想每一句。
4) 想象一下你是作者,写一下创6-8章故事大纲(十分简单的思路)

课程学习 (音频)
背景:第6-8章取自于《創世記》(Genesis) ;按照一肘等於十八吋或四十五公分的比率,挪亞的方舟大約長四百五十呎(135公尺)、寬七十五呎(22公尺)、高四十五呎(13公尺)。船若是平底,面積就有會幕的三倍(按:出二十七9~13是100肘×50肘),排水量四萬三千噸。


Chapter 6: Pre-flood 洪水前

Wickedness in the World
6:1-7 Why God was upset and plan to wipe out the earth 为什么上帝伤心和毁掉地上的生物
6:8-10 why chose Noah and Noah’s basic info 为什么拣选挪亚和挪亚基本家庭情况
6:10-21 God’s plan 上帝的计划
6:22 Noah followed the plan 挪亚遵守拣选筹备

Chapter 7 : Flood 洪水发生
一、God told Noah what to do 7days prior to the floor 洪水前7天神吩咐挪亞進方舟(1~4節)
二、Noah family and animals boarded the Ark 挪亞全家遵神吩咐帶活物進入方舟(5~9;13~16節)
三、Rain fell on for 40 days and night 洪水開始氾濫在地上(10~12節)
四、Flood for 150 days and wiped out every living creature except those on the Ark洪水氾濫地上一百五十天,除滅所有生靈(17~24節)

Chapter 8: after flood 洪水之后
【洪水消落的過程】Water recession 
     一、Water started to recede水勢漸落(1~5節)
     二、Sent out raven放烏鴉(6~7節)
     三、sent out a dove 1st time 第一次放鴿子(8~9節)
     四、sent out the dove 2nd time 第二次放鴿子(10~11節)
     五、Sent out the dove 3rd time第三次放鴿子(12節)
【挪亞出方舟後的情形】Out from the Art
    一、Out to the dry land 到新地(13~19節) 
     二、Built an altar 築新壇(20節)
     三、Set up covenant立新約(21~22節)

6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” 耶和華說:人既屬乎血氣,我的靈就不永遠住在他裡面,然而他的日子還可到一百二十年。
Genesis 6:3 Or My spirit will not remain in
Genesis 6:3 Or corrupt 凡人

6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. 那时候有伟人在地上,后来神的儿子们和人的女子们交合生子,那就是上古英武有名的人。

6:5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 耶和华见人在地上罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶。
6:6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.耶和华就后悔造人在地上,心中忧伤。
6:7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 耶和华说,我要将所造的人和走兽,并昆虫,以及空中的飞鸟,都从地上除灭,因为我造他们后悔了。[7:23重复]

6:11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 世界在神面前败坏,地上满了强暴。神观看世界,见是败坏了。凡有血气的人,在地上都败坏了行为。神就对挪亚说,凡有血气的人,他的尽头已经来到我面前。因为地上满了他们的强暴,我要把他们和地一并毁灭。

6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. 惟有挪亚在耶和华眼前蒙恩。【重复出现】
6:9Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.挪亚是个义人,在当时的世代是个完全人。挪亚与神同行。[7:1重复]

6:18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 我却要与你立约,你同你的妻,与儿子,儿妇,都要进入方舟。[9:8-12 repeat]
6:22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him. 挪亚就这样行。凡神所吩咐的,他都照样行了。【7:5, repeat】

Noah's Ark

God's covenant with Noah
8:18"Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. 我不再因人的缘故咒诅地(人从小时心里怀着恶念),也不再按着我才行的,灭各种的活物了。
8:19"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease 地还存留的时候,稼穑,寒暑,冬夏,昼夜就永不停息了。

Chapter 8
【創八7 烏鴉的習性】 與放出後會回巢的鴿子、斑鳩不同,烏鴉對航海者的功用是牠的航線。藉著觀察牠選擇的方向,海員就能斷定陸地之所在。明智的作法是先放烏鴉,然後利用別的雀鳥來斷定水深,以及可供登陸之處。食腐肉是烏鴉的習性,因此必然有足夠的食物。──《舊約背景註釋》
【創八9 鴿子的習性】 斑鳩和鴿子的續航能力有限,領航員利用牠們來斷定登陸地點。牠們自行回來,就證明附近沒有可供著陸之處。鴿子居住的高度比較低,以植物為食。──《舊約背景註釋》
【創八11 橄欖葉的意義】 鴿子叼回來的橄欖葉子,顯示出橄欖樹淹沒後長出新葉所需的時間,作為洪水深度的線索。同時亦作為洪水之後新生命和豐饒的象徵。橄欖樹的生命力極強,砍伐也不易死去。這個新擰下來的嫩枝,讓挪亞知道復原已經開始。──《舊約背景註釋》

Noah’s ark 诺亚方舟(we describe someone as “Noah” to commend his unwavering faith in a mission that seems impossible on the surface.)
olive branch橄榄枝;和平的象征
peace dove/pigeon: Christianity and the Bible describe dove as the symbol of peace and love. It is the symbol of the 'Holy Spirit', during the Baptism of Jesus Christ.
Doves are referred to the symbol that define the presence of God. The Biblical story of Noah's Ark truly defines the symbolism of white doves with peace. As per the story, after the Great Flood, Noah sent out white dove to see if there was any land. The dove returned with olive twig its beak, which meant that it had found dry land somewhere. This brought relief to Noah, who had spent almost a year on the ark. Since then, white dove with an olive twig in its beak, is considered symbol of peace.
the rainbow covenant 彩虹之约

挪亞是在開始降雨前七天進入方舟,他六百歲時的二月十七日。洪水氾濫,大雨降下四十晝夜,(創六17 18,七1 4 6 11 12,彼前三20)。淹沒地上一百五十天(創七24, 八3)。方舟停在阿拉臘山上,七月十七到十月初一日,山頂都出現了(創八4 5)。到挪亞六百零一歲,正月初一日,他才撒去方舟的蓋子。二月廿七日,地都乾了,他的全家和所帶的一切動物,都出了方舟(創八13—19)。總計起來,一共經過一年零十七天的時間。五個月在水上漂流生活,七個月停留在山上等候。挪亞的信心生活和忍耐的工夫,由此可知矣。(來十一7,彼前三20,彼後二5)。── 李道生《舊約聖經問題總解(上)》

沟通之延伸- 说还是不说?

上帝叫挪亚造方舟时,挪亚和上帝的互动中,挪亚没有任何对话记录【没说 - 完全顺服】
19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words,     but the prudent hold their tongues.

结语/Take Home Message
(马太5:37) 你们的话,是,就说是,不是,就说不是。若再多说,就是出于那恶者。(或作是从恶里出来的)Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words,     but the prudent hold their tongues.

智慧的前提是敬畏主![The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge]

作业 - 影评
熟读并知道圣经中英文原文,现在我们可以尝试学习对挪亚方舟主题有关的电视电影进行分析了(movie review), 分析电影电视制作人1)多少忠于了原文;2)作了哪些添加或删除;3)有哪些是扭曲了原文;4)你喜欢或不喜欢之处;5)对你理解原文有帮助吗?6)你会推荐这个电视或电影作品吗?国外到YouTube 上搜,国内到优酷上,用挪亚方舟作关键字, 挑一个可以打开且看上去值得看的作movie review,思考上述问题。
YouTube 儿童版挪亚方舟动画片:仅国外可以打开)
挪亚方舟电影(较忠实于原文): 国内打不开)
2015年电影The Ark: 【YouTube 国内打不开】


预习和课后延伸讨论:(from Bible Query) - 下面是许多人问过的问题
Q: In Gen 6:19, was Noah to bring two of each creature, or seven pairs of every clean animal as Gen 7:2 says? But did only one pair of each go in Gen 7:8-9?

A: All are true; Genesis 6:19 does not specifically mention the clean animals. Noah was to bring two of all kinds, and in addition he was to bring seven of the clean ones. Genesis 6:19 says "two"; it does not say, "no more than two." The extra animals were for food and to sacrifice in Genesis 8:20. This is not an imprecision on the Bible’s part as much as an example of a way God teaches us. God makes sure we understand the general concept "two to replenish", and then adds a second concept "seven extra to sacrifice." It is similar to students learning arithmetic. They first learn how to subtract a smaller number from the larger number. Only later do they learn about negative numbers and that you can subtract a larger number from a smaller number.
Genesis 7:8-9 does not say exactly one pair of each kinds of animal. It says "pairs of animals" , which would include both the one pair of unclean animals, and all the pairs of the clean ones.

Q:In Gen 7:12,24, did the flood last 40 days, or 150?
A: Genesis 7:12 says it rained from the sky for 40 days, but the waters flooded the earth for a total of 150 days. See When Critics Ask p.42 and Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament p.36.

Q: In Gen 8:11, what is significant about the olive leaf?
A: The leaf presumably sprouted after the flood, and olive trees do not grow at high elevations. The olive tree is often a symbol for God’s people.

Q:Why God decided to flood the earth?
因为地上满了他们的强暴,我要把他们和地一并毁灭。So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.

Q:Why did the age of Noah's descendants drop so sharply?

When was the flood?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Psalm 诗篇改编后的歌曲歌词

      Psalm 改编成歌曲后的歌词和原诗篇略有不同,大体保留了核心意思,可以对照经文原文和改编后的歌曲。

Psalm 1 (Everything He Does Shall Prosper) 凡他作的尽都顺利

Blessed is the man who does not heed the counsel of this world 那个不听从这个俗世的忠告的人有福了
Blessed is the man who does not conform to worldly ways 那个不屈服于世俗方式的人有福了

For his delight is in the law of the LORD 惟喜爱耶和华的律法
And on His Word he meditates day and night 昼夜思想

And he shall be like a tree by streams of water 他要像一棵树栽在溪水旁
That yields abundant fruit in every season 按时候结果子
And his leaves shall never, never wither 叶子也不枯乾
And everything he does shall prosper 凡他所作的,尽都顺利。
And everything he does shall prosper 凡他所作的,尽都顺利。
And everything he does shall prosper 凡他所作的,尽都顺利。

But the wicked are not so 恶人并不是这样
For they are like the chaff the wind blows away 乃像糠毗被风吹散。
And the wicked shall not stand in the judgment 因此当审判的时候,恶人必站立不住
For the LORD knows the way of the righteous 因为耶和华知道义人的道路。
But the evil ways of man shall pass away 恶人的道路,却必灭亡。
Shall pass away 将灭亡
They’ll pass away 他们将灭亡
Forever 永远

Psalm 2 (Kiss the Son)

Why do the nations rage?外邦为什么争闹
And why do the people plot in vain?万民为什么谋算虚妄的事
The kingdoms of earth align themselves against the LORD and His Messiah 世上的君王一齐起来,臣一同商议,要敌挡耶和华,并他的弥赛亚
Trying to defy His power and erase the Word that He’s set down试图藐视他的权力,抹去他所定下的话语
But He who sits in heaven just laughs那坐在天上的只是笑了
He just laughs他只是笑了

He’ll warn them in His wrath他要在怒中责备他们
And he will say…他会说

I have placed my King in heaven before whom all knees shall bow
I have placed my King in heaven, King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I have placed my King in heaven, President of Presidents
I have placed my King in heaven

For God has said, “You are my son”
For God has said to Jesus, “You’re my son”
So ask of Me and I will give You all the nations of the world
Ask of Me and I will give You all the nations of the world
Ask of Me and I will give You all the nations of the world
Ask of Me and I will give You…

For the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof
For the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof
For the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof
For the earth is the LORD’s

What rises up against the LORD will come back to earth where it belongs
For He will not share His glory with another, much less with foolish men
For the LORD is God, Jesus is King
And no new trend or political scheme will ever amount to more than dirt
Compared to the wisdom of His Word
For there’s nothing new under the sun
Men just rearrange what’s already been done
For God created the heart of man
And everything’s under His command
So to those who try to dethrone God: His Word will stand!

He will rule them with a rod of iron and shatter them like clay
He will rule them with a rod of iron and shatter them like clay
Just like it’s nothing
He’ll set them down
In their place

So be wise you kingdoms of the earth
So be wise you Hollywoods of earth
So be wise you rock stars of the earth
So be wise you politicians of earth

And worship the LORD in fear, and rejoice with trembling
And worship the LORD in fear, and rejoice with trembling

And kiss the Son, yeah, kiss the Son, kiss the Son, yeah, Kiss the Son
And kiss the Son, yeah, kiss the Son, kiss the Son, yeah, Kiss the Son
And kiss the Son, yeah, kiss the Son, kiss the Son, yeah, Kiss the Son
And kiss the Son, yeah, kiss the Son…

And He won’t be angry and You won’t perish in your way
For His wrath can come at once

Happy are those who trust in Him
Happy are those who trust in Him
Happy are those who trust in Him

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom

Friday, October 12, 2018

Bible English Lesson 2 - Genesis Chapter 4 (Mark of Cain)


跟读创世记第四章的音频:。 无法打开网页需翻录的音频,请用下面的翻录音频。听了几遍后,可以查你的圣经,我也会贴一份中英文对照的在朋友圈(供本群和已经加我微信的可以看到)。

背景:第4章取自于《創世記》(Genesis) ,Out from the Eden, first family, first worship, first murder


 听力英语分析 (音频)- 参见制作笔记样板,下面只是我举例,因每个人的英语程度而异【音频】
体裁: Epic, Narrative
Adam, Eve, Lord
Cain, Abel, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methushael, Lamech, Adah, Zilah, Jabal, Jubal, Tubal-Cain, Seth
Offering, fruit, flock, fat portion, wanderer, punishment, vengeance

In the field, land of Nod

动词 【故事中的动词很重要】
Made love, gave birth, became pregnant, brought forth, kept flocks, work the soil, rule over, attached, killed, yield its crops, live in the tents and raise livestock, suffer vengeance, avenged, granted, put a mark on Cain

pregnant, angry, downcast, crouching,  under a curse, restless, more than I can bear
In the course of time,  now, later, at that time

And, with, in, but, so, then, if, at, while, when, from, on, to 

Disappointed, angry

-Offering to the Lord: 1) some of the fruits of the soil;2) fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock
- Looked with favor on/not looked with favor
-Anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over/If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times
- Family tree (see next diagram)

-Gave birth/father of
-A restless wanderer on the earth

Vengeance,Crouching,My brother’s keeper,A mark on Cain

How old was Cain when he killed Abel?
Did they have families i.e. wives, kids when happened?
If Cain was the first Child, who was Cain’s wife?
Did Adam and Eve have daughters after Cain and Abel were born?

作者目的:To tell us the life of the first family, with the first offering, followed by the first killing of
man and more; (and make us think)

First family:  Birth of Cain (1), Birth of Abel and their roles (2)
   First offering to the Lord: Lord looked favored on Abel and Abel’s offering (3-4)
   Cain’s anger (5)
   God’s reaction and reminder (6-7)
   Cain killed Abel in the field (8)
    Lord’s judgement on Cain (9-15)
Cain’s family growth  (16-24) – not called on the Lord, culture development
Seith’s born to replace Abel (25)
Began to call on the name of the Lord (26)

Act 1: First family:  Birth of Cain (1), Birth of Abel and their roles (2)
Act 2: First offering to the Lord: Lord looked favored on Abel and Abel’s offering (3-4)
Act 2: Cain’s anger (5)
Act 3: God’s reaction and reminder (6-7) [为什么该隐不表达对上帝偏心的不满?]
Act 4: Cain killed Abel in the field (8)
Act 5:Lord’s judgement on Cain (9-15)
Act 6: Cain’s family growth  (16-24) – not called on the Lord, culture development
Act 7: Seith’s born to replace Abel (25)
Act 8: Began to call on the name of the Lord (26)

Family tragedy: envy, lie,violent, ego high, hostile, defiance
God’s mercy on Cain for not killing Cain
Hope from Seith

“If you what’s right, will you not be accepted? But if you donot do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. “ Gen 4:7你若行得好,岂不蒙悦纳,你若行得不好,罪就伏在门前。它必恋慕你,你却要制伏它。

Land of Nod: To “go off to the land of Nod” plays with the phrase to “nod off”, meaning to go to sleep.睡觉
the mark (or brand)of Cain谋杀罪
the curse of Cain流离漂泊
raise Cain over sth.因某事惹恼人
Cain slew Abel谋杀亲手足
Cain-coloured beard微黄色胡须 指反叛之人
my brother's keeper守护者

God favor Abel: reality or perception? How would you handle this differently if you were Cain?
Life is full of injustices – in reality or perception 生活中的不公平(真实或感觉上的)
When you feel your boss favour your co-worker...当你觉得老板偏心你的同事
When you feel your parents favour your sibling…当你觉得父母偏心弟妹
When you feel a race is favoured by the government…当你觉得政府偏心某个族裔
When you feel you were misunderstood…当你觉得自己被误解
What should you do? How would you communicate this to your boss/parents/government?
为什么该隐不表达对上帝偏心的不满? 你可以告诉上帝,因为上帝对亚伯的FAVOR,伤了他的心。上帝则应该会与他解释,下次可能就不会有这个情况发生。

冲突管理(Conflict Management)原则:
(1) Voice Tone and Inflection (音调和声调)
(2)use words effectively (如何有效选择措辞): 不要用论断的口吻说话,避免使用一些容易引起其他的敏感和情绪反应大的措辞。
(3) Being Specify in your communication(沟通中的具体化)
Mary is arrogant.
In the last 3 meetings I attended with Mary, she interrupted my contributions and made no reference to them.


结语/Take Home Message
“If you what’s right, will you not be accepted? But if you donot do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. “你若行得好,岂不蒙悦纳,你若行得不好,罪就伏在门前。它必恋慕你,你却要制伏它。Gen 4:7
In your anger do not sin“: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. 生气却不要犯罪。不可含怒到日落。也不可给魔鬼留地步。(以弗所书 4:26-27)

课后延伸讨论:(from Bible Query) - 下面是许多人问过的问题
Q: In Gen 4:3-6, why did God reject Cain’s offering?
A: The Wycliffe Bible Commentary p.284 says that while perhaps Abel brought his best and Cain did not, there is no indication of that in Genesis.
Hebrews 11:4 says that Abel offered in faith. Besides Cain having a bad attitude (as his subsequent actions showed), it could also be that God wanted blood offerings, not vegetables, as a foreshadowing of Christ’s death. See The Complete Book of Bible Answers p.45-46, When Critics Ask p.36, Today’s Handbook for Solving Bible Difficulties p.201-202, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties p.76, and 735 Baffling Bible Questions Answered p.26 for more info.
Hard Sayings of the Bible p.99-101 also mentions that this might be a contrast between Abel’s genuine worship and Cain’s formalistic worship. Abel’s offerings of the "fat portions" of the "firstborn" were the choicest parts of the firstborn. Cain merely brought "some" vegetables, not the first fruits.

Q: In Gen 4:10, how could Abel’s blood cry out?
A: This is a metaphor of the injustice against Abel and Cain’s guilt. Taking the Bible literally means reading it as the writers intended. Not recognizing metaphors and allegories in the Bible is called taking the Bible hyper-literally. See the Introduction for more discussion on hyper-literalness versus taking the Bible as it was intended, and as Jesus took it.

Q: In Gen 4:12, why was Cain not executed for murder? 
A: Capital punishment was commanded in the Old Testament, not only in the Ten Commandments, but right after the flood in Genesis 9:5-6 and in Deuteronomy 13:10,11. However, these are all after the time of Cain and Abel. Apart from that, God knows all circumstances, and God Himself is not constrained by His laws for us.
At the time Cain was not told of any law for execution for murder, and God dealt with him by driving him from the soil.

Q: In Gen 4:12, was the prophecy proven to be unfulfilled since Cain built a city in Gen 4:17?
A: No, this is not a proven unfulfilled prophecy for two reasons.
Physical: Genesis 4:12 simply says that Cain would be a restless wanderer; it does not when he would wander, how long he would be a wanderer, or if he would always be a wanderer. We know little about Cain's life after that. Genesis 4:17 says that Cain was building a city and named it after his son Enoch. Perhaps Cain was trying to build a city in defiance of God's prophecy, and after that he was driven out and wandered.
Spiritual: Cain was considered the "cursed" line, and there is no evidence he ever went back to following God. So this prophecy might have referred to Cain’s spiritual condition as well as his physical condition.

Q: In Gen 4:13, why did Cain think that anyone who found him would want to kill him?
A: It is very interesting that the Bible never says God or anyone told Cain this. For many moral wrongs, including murder, people have a conscience inside them that tells them this is wrong. Cain perhaps reasoned that if he killed a fellow person, who was made in the image of God, it would be just for him to be killed in return. In Genesis 4:15, God seemed to confirm this reasoning, and that is why God took extra care, putting a mark on Cain, so that others would know not to do this.
The video series, Growing Kids God’s Way, by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo, session 6, has some insightful material on the human conscience.

Q: In Gen 4:13-16, what was the mark God placed on Cain?
A: Scripture does not say, except that it was something that others would recognize. However, Today’s Handbook for Solving Bible Difficulties p.202-203 observes that it was not a part of Cain’s curse. Rather, it was God’s grace in giving Cain a mark so that others would know not to kill him.

Q: In Gen 4:13, was anyone else on the earth besides Adam and Eve and Cain?
A: This refers not only to possible daughters from which Cain got his wife, but also people born after the murder. While all people came from Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:20; Acts 17:26; Romans 5:14-15), Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters according to Genesis 5:4.

Q: In Gen 4:16-22, where did Adam and Eve’s sons get their wives? Is incest not forbidden?
A: Genesis 5:4 it says that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters. Incest was not forbidden back then: if our genes were pure of genetic flaws, incest would not manifest any of the 2,000+ human genetic diseases it does today.
As a historical note, Augustine of Hippo answered this basically the same way in City of God book 15 ch.16 p.297 (413-426 A.D.) See 1001 Bible Questions Answered p.327, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties p.77, When Critics Ask p.37-38, 735 Baffling Bible Questions Answered p.27, and Sword and Triumph, March 2013 (reprinted in Christian News March 11, 2013 p.14) for more info.

Q: In Gen 4:16-17, how did Cain get his wife from the land of Nod?
A: Two points to consider in the answer.
1. Even assuming Cain did get his wife from the land of Nod, she would still be the offspring of Adam and Eve, since all people came from Adam (Acts 17:26) and Eve was the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20).
2. The Bible never said that Cain met his wife in Nod. Cain very well might have been married, and his wife traveled with Cain to Nod.
See Difficulties in the Bible p.53-56, The Complete Book of Bible Answers p.46, and Hard Sayings of the Bible p.101 for more info.

Q: In Gen 4:22, how could metals be used so early?
A: Bronze has been found in: Thailand–4500 B.C., Yugoslavia–4000 B.C., Greece–3000 B.C., and Anatolia–before 3000 B.C. Egyptians used iron from meteorites as ornaments and daggers prior to 3000 B.C. Also at the city of Eshnunna, near Babylon, archaeologists found an iron blade from 2700 B.C..

Q: In Gen 4:22, is the name "Tubal-Cain" related to the region of "Tubal" in modern Turkey as Asimov’s Guide to the Bible p.33 says?
A: While it cannot be proven either way, it probably is not related. Tubal was also the name of a son of Japheth, and the Tubal people likely were related to him. The "Tubal" people were mentioned in Assyrian records during the time of Shalmaneser III (859-824 B.C. and Sargon around 732 B.C. See the Wycliffe Bible Dictionary p.1751 for more info.

Q: In Gen 4:23-24, why did the man wound Lamech?
A: Three speculations about the man are:
A vigilante thought he was doing what was right by trying to kill Cain’s offspring. However, God specifically showed that no one was to get vengeance on Cain in Genesis 4:15, so it is implied that they should not take revenge on his sons either.
An excuse for a robber trying to take Lamech’s goods was that Lamech was Cain’s offspring.
It was not relevant whose descendant Lamech was; the man was simply trying to rob and/or kill Lamech.
However, scripture attaches no importance to why this particular man was trying to wound Lamech. The point of Genesis 4:23-24 was to demonstrate that after the first murder, Cain and his descendants lived in hostility towards others.

Q: In Gen 4:23-24, what was the ancestry of the man who wounded Lamech, and when was Seth born?
A: Scripture does not say, so there are three equally probable possibilities.
Abel had children before he was murdered.
Seth was his ancestor. Nothing says that Genesis 4:23-24 happened chronologically before Genesis 4:25-26.
Cain was the ancestor of the young man.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Bible English Lesson 1: Genesis Chapter 3 (the Fall)


跟读创世记3章的音频:  ,  无法打开网页需翻录的音频,请用下面的翻录音频。听了几遍后,可以查你的圣经,我也会贴一份中英文对照的在朋友圈(供本群和已经加我微信的可以看到)。
1)What differences can you spot between the text and the images depicted in the painting? 你读的创世记第3章文字和上面第四幅油画有什么不同之处?
3)这个故事中serpent 诱惑夏娃,与网上新闻报道过的坏人利用糖果玩具把儿童诱惑拐走有什么类似之处?
4)换位思考:假设你是women, 你会如何行或应答?假设你是那个man, 你会如何?假如你是上帝,你会如何对待这对夫妇和蛇?从蛇身上,你看到自己或其他人的想法吗?从写故事的作者思考,你希望向读者传达什么样的信息?(答案无所谓对错,重点在于从文字入手,一点点地真正理解每一句英语,可以提前post自己的想法或疑问,但我们周五晚上以后再仔细分析。)反复听和思考,你会发现自己几乎可以背下来。已经闭卷听过两遍的,可以参照中英文原文(下面的版本有些errors 和小差别)



 听力英语难点分析 (音频)
Genesis (起初)、Serpent (蛇),fig leaves无花果树的叶子,Cursed 诅咒,enmity(仇/敌意),offspring(后裔),heel(脚跟),cherubim (基路伯)

甸園 (Garden of Eden): 比喻人間樂土。
骨中的骨、肉中的肉 (bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh):常用来比喻血缘上的亲属关系或思想上的团结一致 。
Adam’s Apple喉结: 亚当因心怀恐惧,吃时仓促,有一片果肉哽在吼中,不上不下,留下个结块/ 不过也说一说是正当亚当吃的时候,上帝来了,所以亚当急忙吞下去,不料哽在喉咙间了。
the tree of knowledge使人分辨善恶的智慧之树
Forbidden fruit: 禁果
Sweat of your brow; 汗流满面
ashes to ashes, dust to dust; 尘归尘,土归土
fall from grace 失去恩典/失宠
Adam's profession农业园林,since Adam was a boy很久以前,Adam’s needle植物丝兰





3处:1 It was the serpent, not a chubby, angel-like child who deceived Adam and Eve.  2 It was Eve her herself who took of the forbidden fruit. 3 Is was after taking the fruit that they made themselves coverings.


作业 - 影评
熟读并知道圣经中英文原文,现在我们可以尝试学习对挪亚方舟主题有关的电视电影进行分析了(movie review), 分析电影电视制作人1)多少忠于了原文;2)作了哪些添加或删除;3)有哪些是扭曲了原文;4)你喜欢或不喜欢之处;5)对你理解原文有帮助吗?6)你会推荐这个电视或电影作品吗?

国外到YouTube 上搜,国内到优酷上,用Adam and Eve关键字, 挑一个可以打开且看上去值得看的作movie review,思考上述问题。

Adam And Eve Bible Story for Children - (Christian Bible Cartoon) (ok)

Adam and Eve | In the Garden of Eden | Animated Short Bible Stories for Kids [对原文改动较大,能找出来吗?]

问:serpent 为什么要诱惑夏娃,这不是在挑衅上帝吗?他的目的是什么?为什么他不先诱惑亚当,如果诱惑亚当,会不会是同样的结果?如果不是,那是不是就不会有一直延续到现在的诅咒!难道所有男人都比女人理智吗?肯定不是,难道所有女人都比较受诱惑吗?肯定也不是。
讨论:在创作圣经故事的时代女性的社会地位比较低,如果是男人受蛇的诱惑首先吃了禁果,那么男人很没面子,影响男人的权威形象,只能让女人来背这个违背上帝旨意被赶出伊甸园的黑锅??犹太基督信仰的大前提是History: His Story,即祂与人之间的故事。上帝启示摩西写下来,而摩西写作过程参考了口传资料和从神处的直接启示。假如从普通文学作品推论,你可以这样推测。假如从信仰中视之真实发生,则蛇就是先从女人那下手,至于为什么,那就各有猜测了。圣经的新旧约全书 可以说是神亲自启示通过人来执笔完成的66本书的合集 其“人设”如下:1 神是爱 是一切善的源头 所做的一切都是好的 都是为人好的 是出于爱人的 2 蛇即魔鬼 就是专门跟神做对的 3 神造男人女人各司其职 互相平等 但神造的宇宙世界是有序的 这个次序体现在男女上 就是“男人是头” 本质上是对女人的特别保护 我们才看了圣经开头的第三章 继续读圣经 一定会越读越明白的。

与神同等的”明亮或者智慧 直接违背神所设立的次序。 我们也许还可以从父母与小孩子的角度试想: 孩子还小的时候 家长知道孩子没有做成正确判断的能力 如果放权让孩子自己做主 不是爱而是害啊。

关于文中的使眼睛“明亮”,英文用的是“be opened”, 直译是“开了眼”不同于中文的明亮;第二章他们赤身露体并不羞耻(felt no shame),如小小孩“天真无邪”的状态;而两人一旦眼睛“opened”了,顿时觉得赤身露体“ashamed” ,需要“遮蔽”。原本可以无忧无虑,现在“明亮”后的状态,哪个更好呢?一旦“opened”了,他们就一路走下坡路……所谓“good for food, pleasing to the eyes and gaining wisdom “就只是表面的好处了,实际付出代价是惨痛的。


God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden to give Adam and Eve a choice to obey Him or disobey Him. Adam and Eve were free to do anything they wanted, except eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2:16-17, “And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.’” If God had not given Adam and Eve the choice, they would have essentially been robots, simply doing what they were programmed to do. God created Adam and Eve to be “free” beings, able to make decisions, able to choose between good and evil. In order for Adam and Eve to truly be free, they had to have a choice.

There was nothing essentially evil about the tree or the fruit of the tree. It is unlikely that the fruit, in and of itself, gave Adam and Eve any further knowledge. That is, the physical fruit may have contained some vitamin C and some beneficial fiber, but it was not spiritually nutritious. However, the act of disobedience was spiritually deleterious. That sin opened Adam’s and Eve’s eyes to evil. For the first time, they knew what it was to be evil, to feel shame, and to want to hide from God. Their sin of disobeying God brought corruption into their lives and into the world. Eating the fruit, as an act of disobedience against God, was what gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of evil—and the knowledge of their nakedness (Genesis 3:6–7).

关键词Disobedience不顺服,更深地认识到原來不顺服是罪的源头。圣经中的智慧先是敬畏上帝,一个人可以很聪明但不敬畏不obey上帝就是缺少智慧,罪的源头,和我们一般字眼理解不一样。吃禁果的knowing good and evil是蛇认为的智慧,但不顺服上帝获得的knowledge 本身就不是一种真正的智慧。


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多伦多每周二晚上是群清理时间(scheduled garbage and recycling time). 欢迎大家届时清空以准备新课(empty old messages and get ready for new learning week)!


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