预听和跟读创世记第6-8章的音频:https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/dramatized/niv/Gen.6 。
Q:Why God decided to flood the earth?
Q: In Gen 6:19, was Noah to bring two of each creature, or seven pairs of every clean animal as Gen 7:2 says? But did only one pair of each go in Gen 7:8-9?
Q:In Gen 7:12,24, did the flood last 40 days, or 150?
3) 换位思考,在对话中想象自己是挪亚、上帝或作者,从他们的角度思想每一句。
4) 想象一下你是作者,写一下创6-8章故事大纲(十分简单的思路)
课程学习 (音频)
背景:第6-8章取自于《創世記》(Genesis) ;按照一肘等於十八吋或四十五公分的比率,挪亞的方舟大約長四百五十呎(135公尺)、寬七十五呎(22公尺)、高四十五呎(13公尺)。船若是平底,面積就有會幕的三倍(按:出二十七9~13是100肘×50肘),排水量四萬三千噸。
Chapter 6: Pre-flood 洪水前
Wickedness in the World
6:1-7 Why God was upset and plan to wipe out the earth 为什么上帝伤心和毁掉地上的生物
6:8-10 why chose Noah and Noah’s basic info 为什么拣选挪亚和挪亚基本家庭情况6:10-21 God’s plan 上帝的计划
6:22 Noah followed the plan 挪亚遵守拣选筹备
Chapter 7 : Flood 洪水发生
一、God told Noah what to do 7days prior to the floor 洪水前7天神吩咐挪亞進方舟(1~4節)
二、Noah family and animals boarded the Ark 挪亞全家遵神吩咐帶活物進入方舟(5~9;13~16節)
三、Rain fell on for 40 days and night 洪水開始氾濫在地上(10~12節)
四、Flood for 150 days and wiped out every living creature except those on the Ark洪水氾濫地上一百五十天,除滅所有生靈(17~24節)
Chapter 8: after flood 洪水之后
【洪水消落的過程】Water recession
一、Water started to recede水勢漸落(1~5節)
二、Sent out raven放烏鴉(6~7節)
三、sent out a dove 1st time 第一次放鴿子(8~9節)
四、sent out the dove 2nd time 第二次放鴿子(10~11節)
五、Sent out the dove 3rd time第三次放鴿子(12節)
【挪亞出方舟後的情形】Out from the Art
一、Out to the dry land 到新地(13~19節)
二、Built an altar 築新壇(20節)
三、Set up covenant立新約(21~22節)
6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with[a] humans forever, for they are mortal[b]; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.” 耶和華說:人既屬乎血氣,我的靈就不永遠住在他裡面,然而他的日子還可到一百二十年。
Genesis 6:3 Or My spirit will not remain in
Genesis 6:3 Or corrupt 凡人
6:4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. 那时候有伟人在地上,后来神的儿子们和人的女子们交合生子,那就是上古英武有名的人。
6:5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 耶和华见人在地上罪恶很大,终日所思想的尽都是恶。
6:6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled.耶和华就后悔造人在地上,心中忧伤。
6:7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 耶和华说,我要将所造的人和走兽,并昆虫,以及空中的飞鸟,都从地上除灭,因为我造他们后悔了。[7:23重复]
6:11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 世界在神面前败坏,地上满了强暴。神观看世界,见是败坏了。凡有血气的人,在地上都败坏了行为。神就对挪亚说,凡有血气的人,他的尽头已经来到我面前。因为地上满了他们的强暴,我要把他们和地一并毁灭。
6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. 惟有挪亚在耶和华眼前蒙恩。【重复出现】
6:9Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.挪亚是个义人,在当时的世代是个完全人。挪亚与神同行。[7:1重复]
6:18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 我却要与你立约,你同你的妻,与儿子,儿妇,都要进入方舟。[9:8-12 repeat]
6:22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him. 挪亚就这样行。凡神所吩咐的,他都照样行了。【7:5, repeat】
Noah's Ark
God's covenant with Noah
8:18"Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done. 我不再因人的缘故咒诅地(人从小时心里怀着恶念),也不再按着我才行的,灭各种的活物了。
8:19"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease 地还存留的时候,稼穑,寒暑,冬夏,昼夜就永不停息了。
Chapter 8
【創八7 烏鴉的習性】 與放出後會回巢的鴿子、斑鳩不同,烏鴉對航海者的功用是牠的航線。藉著觀察牠選擇的方向,海員就能斷定陸地之所在。明智的作法是先放烏鴉,然後利用別的雀鳥來斷定水深,以及可供登陸之處。食腐肉是烏鴉的習性,因此必然有足夠的食物。──《舊約背景註釋》
【創八9 鴿子的習性】 斑鳩和鴿子的續航能力有限,領航員利用牠們來斷定登陸地點。牠們自行回來,就證明附近沒有可供著陸之處。鴿子居住的高度比較低,以植物為食。──《舊約背景註釋》
【創八11 橄欖葉的意義】 鴿子叼回來的橄欖葉子,顯示出橄欖樹淹沒後長出新葉所需的時間,作為洪水深度的線索。同時亦作為洪水之後新生命和豐饒的象徵。橄欖樹的生命力極強,砍伐也不易死去。這個新擰下來的嫩枝,讓挪亞知道復原已經開始。──《舊約背景註釋》
Noah’s ark 诺亚方舟(we describe someone as “Noah” to commend his unwavering faith in a mission that seems impossible on the surface.)
olive branch橄榄枝;和平的象征
peace dove/pigeon: Christianity and the Bible describe dove as the symbol of peace and love. It is the symbol of the 'Holy Spirit', during the Baptism of Jesus Christ.
Doves are referred to the symbol that define the presence of God. The Biblical story of Noah's Ark truly defines the symbolism of white doves with peace. As per the story, after the Great Flood, Noah sent out white dove to see if there was any land. The dove returned with olive twig its beak, which meant that it had found dry land somewhere. This brought relief to Noah, who had spent almost a year on the ark. Since then, white dove with an olive twig in its beak, is considered symbol of peace.
the rainbow covenant 彩虹之约
挪亞是在開始降雨前七天進入方舟,他六百歲時的二月十七日。洪水氾濫,大雨降下四十晝夜,(創六17 18,七1 4 6 11 12,彼前三20)。淹沒地上一百五十天(創七24, 八3)。方舟停在阿拉臘山上,七月十七到十月初一日,山頂都出現了(創八4 5)。到挪亞六百零一歲,正月初一日,他才撒去方舟的蓋子。二月廿七日,地都乾了,他的全家和所帶的一切動物,都出了方舟(創八13—19)。總計起來,一共經過一年零十七天的時間。五個月在水上漂流生活,七個月停留在山上等候。挪亞的信心生活和忍耐的工夫,由此可知矣。(來十一7,彼前三20,彼後二5)。── 李道生《舊約聖經問題總解(上)》
挪亞是在開始降雨前七天進入方舟,他六百歲時的二月十七日。洪水氾濫,大雨降下四十晝夜,(創六17 18,七1 4 6 11 12,彼前三20)。淹沒地上一百五十天(創七24, 八3)。方舟停在阿拉臘山上,七月十七到十月初一日,山頂都出現了(創八4 5)。到挪亞六百零一歲,正月初一日,他才撒去方舟的蓋子。二月廿七日,地都乾了,他的全家和所帶的一切動物,都出了方舟(創八13—19)。總計起來,一共經過一年零十七天的時間。五個月在水上漂流生活,七個月停留在山上等候。挪亞的信心生活和忍耐的工夫,由此可知矣。(來十一7,彼前三20,彼後二5)。── 李道生《舊約聖經問題總解(上)》
沟通之延伸- 说还是不说?
上帝叫挪亚造方舟时,挪亚和上帝的互动中,挪亚没有任何对话记录【没说 - 完全顺服】
19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
结语/Take Home Message
(马太5:37) 你们的话,是,就说是,不是,就说不是。若再多说,就是出于那恶者。(或作是从恶里出来的)Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
智慧的前提是敬畏主![The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge]
作业 - 影评
熟读并知道圣经中英文原文,现在我们可以尝试学习对挪亚方舟主题有关的电视电影进行分析了(movie review), 分析电影电视制作人1)多少忠于了原文;2)作了哪些添加或删除;3)有哪些是扭曲了原文;4)你喜欢或不喜欢之处;5)对你理解原文有帮助吗?6)你会推荐这个电视或电影作品吗?国外到YouTube 上搜,国内到优酷上,用挪亚方舟作关键字, 挑一个可以打开且看上去值得看的作movie review,思考上述问题。
YouTube 儿童版挪亚方舟动画片:https://youtu.be/VeeNfVI0_TU(仅国外可以打开)
挪亚方舟电影(较忠实于原文):https://youtu.be/1WC2c2ic-VE(youtube 国内打不开)
2015年电影The Ark: https://youtu.be/hoTWA-jPbUQ 【YouTube 国内打不开】
预习和课后延伸讨论:(from Bible Query) - 下面是许多人问过的问题
Q: In Gen 6:19, was Noah to bring two of each creature, or seven pairs of every clean animal as Gen 7:2 says? But did only one pair of each go in Gen 7:8-9?当不明白时…
上帝叫挪亚造方舟时,挪亚和上帝的互动中,挪亚没有任何对话记录【没说 - 完全顺服】
19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
(马太5:37) 你们的话,是,就说是,不是,就说不是。若再多说,就是出于那恶者。(或作是从恶里出来的)Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.
19 Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.
智慧的前提是敬畏主![The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge]
作业 - 影评
熟读并知道圣经中英文原文,现在我们可以尝试学习对挪亚方舟主题有关的电视电影进行分析了(movie review), 分析电影电视制作人1)多少忠于了原文;2)作了哪些添加或删除;3)有哪些是扭曲了原文;4)你喜欢或不喜欢之处;5)对你理解原文有帮助吗?6)你会推荐这个电视或电影作品吗?国外到YouTube 上搜,国内到优酷上,用挪亚方舟作关键字, 挑一个可以打开且看上去值得看的作movie review,思考上述问题。
YouTube 儿童版挪亚方舟动画片:https://youtu.be/VeeNfVI0_TU(仅国外可以打开)
挪亚方舟电影(较忠实于原文):https://youtu.be/1WC2c2ic-VE(youtube 国内打不开)
2015年电影The Ark: https://youtu.be/hoTWA-jPbUQ 【YouTube 国内打不开】
预习和课后延伸讨论:(from Bible Query) - 下面是许多人问过的问题
A: All are true; Genesis 6:19 does not specifically mention the clean animals. Noah was to bring two of all kinds, and in addition he was to bring seven of the clean ones. Genesis 6:19 says "two"; it does not say, "no more than two." The extra animals were for food and to sacrifice in Genesis 8:20. This is not an imprecision on the Bible’s part as much as an example of a way God teaches us. God makes sure we understand the general concept "two to replenish", and then adds a second concept "seven extra to sacrifice." It is similar to students learning arithmetic. They first learn how to subtract a smaller number from the larger number. Only later do they learn about negative numbers and that you can subtract a larger number from a smaller number.
Genesis 7:8-9 does not say exactly one pair of each kinds of animal. It says "pairs of animals" , which would include both the one pair of unclean animals, and all the pairs of the clean ones.
Q:In Gen 7:12,24, did the flood last 40 days, or 150?
A: Genesis 7:12 says it rained from the sky for 40 days, but the waters flooded the earth for a total of 150 days. See When Critics Ask p.42 and Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament p.36.
Q: In Gen 8:11, what is significant about the olive leaf?
A: The leaf presumably sprouted after the flood, and olive trees do not grow at high elevations. The olive tree is often a symbol for God’s people.
Q:Why God decided to flood the earth?
因为地上满了他们的强暴,我要把他们和地一并毁灭。So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.
Q:Why did the age of Noah's descendants drop so sharply?
When was the flood?