This week's scripture listening:
约伯记第42章:侧重于42:10-12结尾部分)9 (English audio)
3) 对照英文原文重听(第三遍);
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1) 你知道这章书有关的成语吗?/Do you know any idioms/expressions from this chapter?
2)划出自己不懂的单词和不明白的句子/Identify new words and sentences that you don't understand
3)Read along practice 跟读练习和分享
Possible reactions to the above difficult situations在苦难前的可能反应:unlucky, ???, why did it happen to me?
Who wrote the book?作者: Unknown
What happens in this book? 发生什么事情:Terrible things happen to Job. Job and his friends discuss why God has let these things happen.
When did this happen? 什么时候发生?可能是最古老的书:Maybe as early as the time of Abraham, about 2100 BC
Where did this happen? 在哪里发生:In a land called Uz, probably located east of Cannan
What is the nature of this book? 这是真实还是虚构的故事?:Real or not real? Unsure
Job existed and folk stories related to Job
Structure of book of Job 约伯记结构 – Drama戏剧/歌剧?
Prologue (1-2) 序幕Two rounds: God and Satan
B. Dialogue (3-42:6) poetry 诗歌对话
Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar (3-31)
- Round 1 (3-14)
- Round 2 (15-21)
- Round 3 (22-31)
Elihu (32-37)
A monologue! 独白
C. Epilogue (42:7-17) 尾声
Final round: God and Job
Job by Leon Joseph Florentin Bonnat (1833-1922), a French painter
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What happened to Job? |
– God-fearing, upright man敬畏神、正直
-- wealthy富裕
-- the greatest man in the East 在东方中为至大
Satan challenged his piety to God 撒旦对他的虔诚挑战
Satan tested him by attacking 撒旦通过攻击他来试验他的虔诚
- all his properties and his children, 所有的产业和他的儿女
- making him suffer physical pain 让他遭遇身体上的痛
经文/Bible Verses - Listen, Read and Anaylze
Chapter 1
13 One day when Job’s sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house, 14 a messenger came to Job and said, “The oxen (牛)were plowing(耕地) and the donkeys were grazing nearby, 15 and the Sabeans(示巴人) attacked and made off with (掳去)them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
16 While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The fire of God fell from the heavens and burned up (烧灭) the sheep and the servants, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
17 While he was still speaking, another messenger came and said, “The Chaldeans(迦勒底人) formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and made off with them. They put the servants to the sword, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
18 While he was still speaking, yet another messenger came and said, “Your sons and daughters were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house, 19 when suddenly a mighty wind swept in (狂风刮来)from the desert and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on(倒塌) them and they are dead, and I am the only one who has escaped to tell you!”
20 At this, Job got up and tore his robe(撕裂外袍) and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship (伏在地上下拜) 21 and said:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,我赤身出于母胎,
and naked I will depart.也必赤身归回。
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华。
may the name of the Lord be praised.”耶和华的名是应当称颂的。
22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing在这一切的事上约伯并不犯罪,也不以神为愚妄.
chapter 42
10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes (从苦境中转回)and gave him twice as much as he had before.
11 All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house. They comforted and consoled(安慰) him over all the trouble the Lord had brought on him, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring.
12 The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys.
a. oxen and donkeys (v14)
b. the sheep and Job’s servants (v16)
c. the camels (v17)
d. a mighty wind swept in and struck the four corners of the house it collapsed (v19)
expressing grief and mourning over the dead (v20)
f. Read verses 21, 22 carefully
Job had a strong faith in God knowing God is always right and makes no mistakes (v21)
g. – was prosperous again (double !)
Job restored to prosperity by Laurent de la Hyre (1606-1656), a French painter
Words and Phrases生词和短语
Verb + preposition (s) ---》a phrasal verb
e.g. to put off = to postpone
to put up with = to tolerate
to turn down = to refuse
to show up = to appear
i.e. Informal use of English vs formal use
put them to the sword (v15) 杀害
- sword is a weapon used in the ancient times; a weapon today will be more likely to be a pistol, a gun, a rifle
= killed them, put them to death
(read the rest of the verse for its meaning)
burned up (v16) 烧灭
burn, burned, burned (verb)
burned up = got rid of or destroyed by fire
e.g. The naughty kids played with fire and burned up the paper rubbish in a can.
How about making a sentence with “burned up” about the chicken in Taiwan?
swept down on (v17) 闯入/袭击
sweep, swept, swept (v.)
- To remove dust or dirt with a brush, e.g. to sweep the floor
- In v 17, “swept down on” refers to the action of the raiding Chaldeans who attacked, and took the camels quickly and suddenly and with force
a mighty wind swept in狂风刮来
Mighty wind = very powerful wind
We learned the word: “swept”
Can you work out the meaning of this phrase?
This simply means:
a very powerful wind struck and moved in quickly
collapsed on (v19)倒塌
What is “collapsed” in v 19?
Noun? Verb? Adjective? Adverb?
What does “it” stand for and what does “they” stand for in the sentence?
It = they=
What happens when it collapsed on them?
struck the four corners of the house (v19)击打房屋四角
Strike, striking, struck, struck (v)
= to hit, attack quickly and violently
In the verse, what struck the four corners (at the bottom) of the house? And what happened?
tore his robe (v 20)撕裂外袍
Tear, tore, torn (v.)
to tear (up) paper, cloth, material= to pull it into two pieces, i.e. an expression of grief
a robe.
naked I came, naked I depart (v21) 我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回。
Naked [nA-kid] (adj.) = not wearing any clothes (see picture of Job)
Came past tense of come
- In v 21, “came from my mother’s womb” came to the world as a baby
Depart = leave the world die
Meaning: I was born bringing nothing to the world and I cannot take away anything when I die
comforted and consoled him (42: 11)安慰
Both comfort and console are verb in past tense in the verse
Comfort, comforted, comforted
Console, consoled, consoled
To comfort sb.= to do sth. to make them feel less worried, unhappy, upset
To console sb. = to do sth. To make them feel more cheerful
Comforted and consoled
Do you remember what is the literary device you have learned before?
“Harden the hearts of the Egyptians”
“Gain glory through Pharaoh”
Best buy; fresh fish
Parallelism 平行体
While parallelism is common in Hebrew poetry, this is often shown in the spring couplets in Chinese culture.
You may refer back to Lesson 1. 2.4, p.7 for a definition of this literary device and the example in the passage.
Parallelism – two or more parts of the sentences have a similar form to give a balanced structure.
e.g. Naked I …, and naked I …
e.g. “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;”
Patience of Job 约伯的忍耐 (约伯记 1:21 & 雅各书 5:11):是什么原因让约伯凭著他的忍耐与坚持而扬名后世呢? 约伯是一个虔诚、正直的人。他很富有,被认为是东方最具势力的人。撒旦对约伯的虔诚并不信服,因此撒旦试图用伤害他的孩子和掳走他的财产等方法以考验约伯的虔诚。约伯始终坚持着他的信仰,也不对上帝妄加评论。在第二次考验中,撒旦令约伯遭受了身体上的折磨,但约伯依然坚守信仰。 约伯信念坚定,不屈不挠,这从他受到重创时对上帝说的这几名句可见一斑∶“我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回。赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华。耶和华的名是应当称颂的。”(约伯记1:21) 约伯的忍耐和信实让他守得云开,得到极大的祝福。上帝令他的家族恢复兴旺,并赐予他两倍的财产。他的晚年过得很幸福,他拥有上千只羊、骆驼、牛和驴子。他一直活到了一百四十岁。E.g. You need the patience of Job in order to finish this task. 要完成此任务需要极大的耐性。
Job’s comforter: 要安慰人反而使人痛苦的人。
naked I came, naked I depart (v21) 我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回。【经常在葬礼上被引用】
Uz(乌斯地) , Job(约伯),Satan(撒旦),
the Sabeans(示巴人), the Chaldeans (嘉勒底人)
Eliphaz(以利法)the Temanite(提幔人),Bildad(比勒达) the Shuhite(书亚人), Zophar(琐法) the Naamathite(拿玛人),Jemimah(耶米玛),Keziah(基洗亚), Keren-Happuch(基连哈朴)the Sabeans(示巴人), the Chaldeans (嘉勒底人)
blameless and upright(完全正直),shun evil(远离恶事), yoke(轭),oxen(母驴), sacrifice(献祭), hedge(篱笆), flocks and herds(羊群和牛群), grazing(吃草),collapsed (倒塌)
thwarted(拦阻),obscure(隐藏), despise(厌恶),
console(安慰), inheritance (产业)
thwarted(拦阻),obscure(隐藏), despise(厌恶),
console(安慰), inheritance (产业)
Why do you think Job suffer? 你认为为什么约伯会受难?
Does it help Job if he knows what happen in the heaven (prologue) ?约伯知道了天上发什么的事情会对他有帮助吗?
How would you react if you experience Job’s situation? 如果你落入约伯般的处境,你会如何反应?
Do you think Job has any concept about where we are going after death?你认为约伯对死后去哪里有认识吗?
How would you comfort Job if you are one of his friends?你如果是约伯的朋友你会如何安慰她?
Will you be satisfied if God talks to you but do not know why you are suffering? 如果上帝与你对话但你仍不明白你为什么受苦,你会满意吗?
Why was the book written? 为什么写这卷书?:To help people learn that suffering is no always punishment from God?
What do we learn about God in this book? 从这卷书中我们了解到什么(有关上帝)?:God does let bad things happen to good people. When bad things happen, it does not mean that God is punishing them for some sin?
结语/Take Home Message
The most valuable reward of Job 约伯的最有价值的补偿
Before Job was restored to prosperity, God spoke to him. (In Chapters 38-41) 在上帝恢复约伯的产业前,上帝与他亲自对话。
The gain which is far more valuable: Job’s greater and stronger faith in God’s power and mercy when he said, “My ears had heard of you [the Lord] but now my eyes have seen you.”约伯对上帝的能力和怜悯有更大和更强的信心,“ 我从前风闻有你,现在亲眼看见你。 (42:5)
James 5:11“You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.” 那先前忍耐的人,我们称他们是有福的,你们听见过约伯的忍耐,也知道主给他的结局,明显主是满心怜悯,大有慈悲。
从耶稣十架看,耶稣受难不是因为他犯了罪, 而是担当我们的罪。 我们可能不明白为什么上帝/耶稣要这样做,但我们愿意相信他是良善的上帝。